Prohibition Partners LIVE – Day One Preview

Prohibition Partners LIVE - Day One Preview

Starting from today, Prohibition Partners LIVE will be launching four days of disruptive debate from the most inspirational thinkers, leaders and pioneers within the global cannabis industry. We will kickstart the conference with our inaugural Science & Research Day; welcoming world-leading speakers, researchers and scientists across our three virtual stages for the day: Cannabis Europa, Cannabis Americana and PSYCH.

Day1 asset

Cannabis Europa

Kicking off the Science & Research Day from the Cannabis Europa stage, we will be learning about the most exciting scientific developments from this fast-changing industry with six different panel events across three virtual stages. From the latest research into synthetic and natural CBD to the effects COVID-19 has had on cannabinoid drug development, this will be your chance to learn, network and debate with the leading figures in the industry.

Opening the inaugural Prohibition Partners LIVE conference on the Cannabis Stage at 1140 GMT, Prohibition Partners Co-Founder and Managing Director, Stephen Murphy, will welcome our speakers and audience before paving the way for a panel discussion with DEMECAN’s Managing Director, Dr. Adrian Fischer and Pat McCutcheon, the CEO and Chairman of MediPharm Labs. In this panel, moderated by David Badcock, CEO of Drug Science and a key player in providing clear, evidence-based information about drugs in the UK, we will hear about how the pharmaceutical industry is shifting towards creating highly tailored drugs modelled for the individual rather than the mass market and how the medical cannabis industry is responding to this shift.

At 1230 GMT, key figures like Lorenza Romanese, a veteran European policy advisor and Managing Director of the European Industrial Hemp Association, Ulla Haaning Singapuri, the Key Strategic Officer from KannaSwiss AG and Philipp Furhmann, the CEO of CanX CBD SRL will join the prickly discussion on synthetic vs natural CBD. In this panel, moderated by Prohibition Partner’s own Consulting Director, Barbara Pastori, we will learn about the key differences between synthetic and natural CBD, the regulatory framework surrounding both compounds and what their future classification might mean for the European market moving forward. This panel will be followed by a Q&A session where you’ll be able to join the debate on this somewhat controversial issue.

Network with the leading figures in the European cannabis market at 1315 GMT and then jump straight into a highly topical presentation by Prohibition Partners’ Industry and Data Analyst, Conor O’Brien at 1330 GMT. O’Brien will be granting us exclusive access into a variety of different studies into the effectiveness of cannabinoids in the treatment of COVID-19 unveiling whether there is any truth to the latest research.

Wrapping up the panel discussions on the Cannabis Europa stage at 1345 GMT, we will be taking a closer look at the recent legislative changes in Italy where the Scientific Director of Cannabiscienza, Dr Viola Brugnatelli, will be helping us shed some light on the repercussions these potential restrictions might have on the CBD market.

Cannabis Americana

Want to know everything you can about the THC compound? Opening at the Cannabis Americana stage at 1400 GMT we will be looking at THC under the microscope with the help of key speakers such as Curaleaf’s Jessie Kater and Duke University’s Professor David Casarett. Together, they will help us answer key questions about the success of THC-based medicines and debunk some common myths about this often misunderstood molecule. This panel will be moderated by Elana Goldberg, the CEO of Cannigma, a platform dedicated to showcasing the latest evidence-based information about cannabis and translating the scientific language into simple, clear and accessible information for layman audiences.

Following a small break and networking opportunity at 3:00 PM, join the panel discussion that aims to break the opioid deadlock in the United States and beyond. Can cannabis become a safe and effective alternative to opioids for pain relief? At 1515 GMT, Dr Michael Verbora, the Chief Medical Officer at Aleafia Health, Lucy Stafford, the Advocacy Director of PLEA and Papa & Barkley Co-Founder, Guy Rocourt, will be examining why so many people today suffer from chronic pain conditions and how this pain can be better managed through the administration of cannabinoid compounds.

Closing the Cannabis Americana stage at 1600 GMT, learn about how the cannabis sector is paving the way for more sustainable and ethical industry methods. Could the Cannabis industry become the forebearer for a move towards truly dynamic sustainability? Joining the panel are Geoff Trotter, Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer of Regennabis, Chris Ball, Founder and CEO of Ball Family Farms and Roger Buelow, Chief Technology Officer at AeroFarms, a leading clean-technology company that builds and operates responsible, state-of-the-art indoor vertical farms around the world, helping disrupt the traditional agricultural model to kickstart new more sustainable agricultural practices. This panel will be moderated by Kaitlin Urso, the Environmental Consultant and Sustainability Coach for the Colorado Department Of Public Health and Environment.


Opening at the PSYCH stage at 1700 GMT, we join a panel of speakers looking to answer all your questions regarding the highly debated effects of microdosing. Is it a Silicon Valley fad or the next treatment for mental health conditions and beyond? Showcasing exclusive results from recent studies as well as discussing the pro's - and perhaps con's - are Dr David Luke, an Associate Professor of Psychology at Greenwich University, Dr David Erritzoe, a Clinical Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry at Imperial College London and Dr Sophia Korb, Director of Research at Fadiman Group where she has collaborated with researchers on following up on the creation and collection of a large-scale longitudinal database of microdosing experiences and narratives. This panel is moderated by Michelle Janikian, the author of “Your Psilocybin Mushroom Companion” and an active journalist in the drug harm reduction campaign.

Next on the PSYCH stage, we will be joined by Rick Strassman MD, the Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. Together, we will take a deeper look into a profound and powerful compound that has been the topic of discussion for centuries: DMT. In this exclusive keynote we will trace the journey of this molecule from its uses in tribal ceremonies through to its uses in modern medicine.

At 7:15 PM, we will be closing the PSYCH stage and wrapping up the discussions for the day with a fireside chat with Prohibition Partners’ Stephen Murphy and Saboto Caesar, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour for the government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Together, we will be discussing how cultivation has impacted these Caribbean isles and what it means for the exciting future of wellness in the region.

Join the global cannabis conversation this week - last tickets for Prohibition Partners LIVE between 17-20 November on-sale here. Join the debate on social media #PPLIVE

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