Prohibition Partners LIVE, November 17-20 2020, offers four days of content, covering four themes, across four stages; Cannabis Europa, Cannabis Americana, Cannabis Oceania and PSYCH. 

PLEASE NOTE: All session times are in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Los Angeles: GMT -8 hours

Chicago: GMT -6 hours

New York: GMT -5 hours

London: GMT

Singapore: GMT +7 hours

Sydney: GMT +9 hours

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Exploring the most exciting scientific developments across cannabis and psychedelics; sustainable farming, personalised medicine and artificial intelligence in the supply chain. 

Panelists will be debating Organic vs. Synthetic CBD, as well as Microdosing Psychedelics - a Silicon Valley fad or a next generation treatment for mental health conditions?

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Prohibition Partners LIVE consistently provides entrepreneurs, investors and operators the edge in this rapidly-moving market. Adult-use sales are reaching record highs in North America, patient numbers are climbing in Europe and cannabinoids are disrupting mainstream markets from pharma to food.

Speakers will be asked investigative questions to identify the key commercial opportunities across the supply chain. Prohibition Partners LIVE provides real-world examples of how cannabis is disrupting the mainstream from the industry’s leading disruptors; such as Kate Miller, Co-Founder & CEO of Miss Grass.

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Politicians, healthcare experts and business leaders are coming together on a virtual platform to shape the future of cannabis and psychedelics.

Tune in to hear renowned speakers exchange their insights on subjects such as The Cannabis Tax Experiment and The True Impact of Prohibition. The respectful debate of these provocative topics is set to influence reform around the legislative roadblocks within the cannabis industry.

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Alongside showcasing the global economic potential of cannabis, Prohibition Partners LIVE will also be hosting heated debate and discussion around poignant cultural subjects. 

As the cannabis industry is transitioning into the next stage of development. Prohibition Partners LIVE is set to explore how cultural icons and innovators are reading the market so you can stay ahead of the competition.